/workspace/cli/ folder contains support for CLI scripts. It is divided into crons/ and scripts/ subfolders. The difference between scripts and crons is that crons runs periodically, whereas scripts are executed when you need, e.g. once, from the command line. In rest they are the same.
Running CLI scripts
Creating a CLI script example /workspace/cli/scripts/bar-script.php
// Optional
namespace workspace\cli\scripts;
use nicotine\Registry;
$db = Registry::get('Database');
d($db->getCustom(query: "SELECT `first_name`, `email` from `staff`", params: [], fetchMode: \PDO::FETCH_OBJ, fetchAll: true));
$proxy = Registry::get('Proxy');
cd workspace/cli
php console script:bar-script
There is no need to specify .php file extension. Also they can be placed into subdirectories, if you need. E. g. php console script:subfolder/bar-script
The folder /workspace/cli/scripts/logs contains error logs, if the configuration directive logErrors is set to true. They are keept per day and are gitignored. Please don't delete .keep file, it is needed for Git, to keep the folder, if you delete all logs.
Running CLI crons
Creating a CLI cron example /workspace/cli/crons/foo-cron.php
// Optional
namespace workspace\cli\crons;
use nicotine\Registry;
$db = Registry::get('Database');
d($db->getCustom(query: "SELECT `first_name`, `email` from `staff`", params: [], fetchMode: \PDO::FETCH_OBJ, fetchAll: false));
$proxy = Registry::get('Proxy');
cd workspace/cli
php console script:foo-cron
There is no need to specify .php file extension. Also they can be placed into subdirectories, if you need. E. g. php console cron:subfolder/foo-cron
The folder /workspace/cli/crons/logs contains error logs, if the configuration directive logErrors is set to true. They are keept per day and are gitignored. Please don't delete .keep file, it is needed for Git, to keep the folder, if you delete all logs.